As the evening temperatures get closer to zero, any hoses with water in them will freeze and rupture if not properly stored. Not only that, but if it’s still attached to an outside faucet, the forming ice could come in direct contact with your faucet. This contact and the resulting increase in pressure from of frozen water within the pipe can also lead to ruptures down the line.
That’s why we recommend removing all hoses from their faucets and storing them during the winter months. Not only will this guard against a broken garden hose, but it’ll also prevent any damage to internal piping.
To get started, keep the hose attached to the faucet, open the tap, and run a little water through it. This will clear out any debris that may have found its way into the hose. If possible, run the hose down a slope, such as a driveway. The angle will prevent water from pooling in the pipe.
Once that step is done, remove the hose and blow out any remaining water. Then pack up the hose and store it; preferably in a sheltered area outside or in a basement. Also, take a little time to ensure that the faucets are tightly closed. Even small drips can cause damage in the future.
If the faucet is shut and you’re still seeing water dripping then close the shutoff valve to that faucet. That should solve the problem, if not you might want to call a professional plumber to take a look at your faucet for possible repair or replacement.